Brian's Timelines

Explanatory Pages
Short explanations of astronomical terms
What Is...
Longer explanations of less well understood matters
Measurements, Laws, Constants & Definitions
Your Telescope
What to look for in a telescope
Exo-Planets so far discovered, as of 31 March 2020
Astronomical satellites
Stellar Classes
Explanation of the differences between stars
Daily, Weekly & Monthly Newsletters
- Astronomy Expert
- Astronomy.com
- Chandra
- Daily Galaxy
- European Southern Obsevatory
- Hubble Site
- Jet Propulsion aboratory
- John Hopkins
- Mars Daily
- Moon Daily
- Pleine Lune (Full Moon)
- National Optical Astronomy Observatory
- Nature
- Physics World
- Planet Quest
- Planetary Science Research Discoveries
- Planetary.org
- Saturn Daily
- Science at NASA
- Space Daily
- Space Ref
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Space Travel
- Spitzer
- Space Weather
Major Space-based Astronomical Telescopes
- Chandra X-Ray Telescope: Home* Gallery
- Hubble Optical Telescope: Home* Gallery
- Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO): Home * Gallery
- Spitzer Infra-Red Telescope: Home* Gallery
- Fermi Gamma-ray Large Area Telescope (GLAST): Home
- On its way... James Webb Telescope - 2013
Professional Astronomy Sites
- Astronomical Images - List of World Wide Web Servers specialising in astronomical image archives.
- Astronomy Expert - Site concerned with the study of Stars, Planets and Outer Space Phenomena with a high quality monthly newsletter.
- AstroWeb Listing of ground-based Telescopes.
- AstroWeb Listing of spaceborne Telescopes.
- BBC Space Science page Including Sir Patrick Moore's "Sky At Night"
- British Astronomical Association
- British National Space Centre
- Encyclopaedia Astronautica
- ESA European Space Agency
- ESO European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
- Telescope Data Center at The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- Harvard List Of Observable Comets
- Harvard List Of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids
- NASA "Picture Of The Day" Calendar
- Space Weather Prediction Centre Solar And Geophysical Events
- Virtual Observatories Virtual Tours of 30-odd major Observatories
Other astronomy related websites
- Solar Views - Probably the best site for information concerning all the Solar System bodies, the statistics are very impressive
- Video Jug Astronomy - Seven, astronomical question and answer sessions videos by Sir Patrick Moore and Chris Lintott
- Heavens Above - If you are into artificial satellite watching, this is probably the best site for predicting satellites and space stations. It also covers comets, etc.
- Satscape - Excellent program to track all earth-orbit satellites, on your PC
- SpaceWeather - Best site for up-to-date information on solar weather, auroras and potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs)
- Atmospheric Optics - A host of visual spectacles - rainbows, halos, glories, coronas and many more
- Green Flashes and Mirages Introductions to these two phenomena from San Diego State University
Amateur Astronomy Sites
- The Society For Popular Astronomy - Great informative site for amateur astronomers
- The Nine 8 Planets - a tour round the Solar System
- How to collimate your own telescope
Telescope theory and science...
- Telescope optics in detail - Degree level maths and optics, but definitely worth a read. Good descriptions of every conceivable type of telescope except sadly, Ritchey-Chrétien (as at August 2007)
- A brief Tutorial Guide - Astrophotography and Telescope Basics
BUILD your own telescope...
- Build your own refracting telescope
- Build your own reflecting Dobsonian
- Telescope mirrors, blanks, flats & Kits
- Oldham Optical UK - Manufacturer of Astronomical & Industrial Optics. Not cheap but they do give a PV 1/10λ Wavefront option with a "Certificate of Conformity" on all mirrors.
- Build your own telescope, a lab experiment
BUY your own telescope...
- Skywatcher Telescopes - UK
- Orion - UK
- Mead - USA - Probaby the best
- Celestion - USA
- Obsession Telescopes - USA
- Optical/Astronomical Manufacturers
- A webpage with a fairly Exhaustive listing. (Sadly, not all links on this page are in working order)
Free Auto-Mailers on Astronomy and Associated Matters
- News at ESO - European Southern Observatory Newsletter
- News at ESA - European Space Agency Newsletter. Loads of subject options and available in any of 20-odd languages!
- Science at NASA - Weekly Newsletter of everything important
- SpaceDaily - Eight diferent newsletters, ranging from Astronomy to Space Wars
- Dailygalaxy - About evenly split between Astronomy and other matters
Astronomy Magazines
- Sky At Night Magazine - UK The world's first astronomy magazine
- Amateur Astronomy Magazine - USA
- Astronomy And Space - Ireland
- Astronomy Magazine - USA
- Astronomy Now - UK
- Sky News - Canada
Ancient Places Purportedly Related to Astronomy
- Newgrange, Ireland
- Stonehenge, England
- Woodhenge, England
- Goseck Circle, Germany
- Karnak Temple, Egypt
- Chankillo, Peru
- Machu Picchu, Peru
- Chichen Itza, Mexico
- The Miami Circle, USA
- Chaco Canyon, USA
- Fajata Butte, USA
- Cahokia Mounds, USA
- Big Horn Medicine Wheel, USA